Sunday, November 25, 2012


just a little different

the frank flat, malviya nagar

I have to say, it was difficult to be away from home on Thanksgiving this year. I skipped one or two Thanksgivings in college, when I was 'too stressed out with a project' to leave Austin or something else equally delusional. I heard a sermon not too long ago about how missionaries submit to a life of fasting: fasting from family, friends, home, comfort, etc. I think missing this holiday with my family was the first time I felt I could identify with how they must feel. Even at other times, when I have missed family or friends or some daily comforts of American life, God has given me comfort and reminded me that I am here for such a short time to serve, enjoy and grow. On Thursday, preparing for the meal, it really hit me: if it's this hard for me to miss one holiday, how hard must it be for missionaries around the world to miss all holidays, all family gatherings, all year long for an indefinite amount of years? A new conviction and respect for their commitment to God's call has taken root in my heart.

so many taters I needed two pots

we got to use ryan + dannah's kitchen
it was a treat!!

we lost power for most of the morning
luckily we had one outlet working on the inverter
ps - apparently I look like toddler when I cook?

alyssa, however, looks like a proper southern belle

the okra was SO good
this is how we transported the goods

Anyhow, having said that, Thanksgiving in India was a really special and different experience that I will always remember fondly. The Koenigers and the Coffeys were out of town, but the Franks graciously hosted the rest of us at their home for a potluck-style dinner! It was Jonathan's first Thanksgiving so I felt the pressure was on! I decided to make homemade, roasted-garlic mashed potatoes. David made a chocolate lover's cheesecake, Christine made pumpkin cookies and scones, Alyssa made applecrisp and fried okra (bindi), Huberth brought a Buffalo dish and the Franks had fruit salad, green beans, canned cranberry something and ordered a tandoori chicken! It was truly an impressive spread. Oh, also, the Franks made a super-delicious cider that I still need to get the recipe for! It was awesome. 

our beautiful collection of Thanksgiving dishes

24 and still at the kids' table
hudson looks excited for sweets!
everyone just hangin' out

After we ate, we watched both Charlie Brown Thanksgiving specials and Elf! During the second Charlie Brown film, my full tummy got the best of me. For those of you who know me well, you will be able to imagine what followed. My head started bobbing in all directions (I even accidentally head-butted Hudson once) until it finally came to rest on the back of the couch for a solid 30-minute nap. Oops. 

watching our shows
everett has the best seat in the house

christine gave everett a turban...

so priya needed one, too

It was so special for me to really get back to the story of the pilgrims. We had devotions about thankfulness in the three days surrounding Thanksgiving and in preparing for mine, I went back and read the pilgrims' story with new eyes. What trials they faced, beginning in the fear for their lives in England, during their long, hard journey in insufferably close quarters on the Mayflower, and finally in the disease and death that greeted them in the New World. These Plymouth Pilgrims went through so much in following what they knew God had put on their hearts to do and they made the decision daily to remain faithful. Putting myself in their position, I think I would have majorly questioned if I was truly following God's will. How could I be if all these hardships and death were befalling the mission? But the pilgrims' faith did not waiver.

My dear friend Blair gave me a great book called The Valley of Vision filled with puritan prayers and I especially enjoyed reading it with this knowledge fresh in my mind. 

Praise and Thanksgiving

O my god, 

Thou fairest, greatest, first of all objects,
my heart admires, adores, loves thee,
for my little vessel is as full as it can be, 
and I would pour out all that fullness before thee 
in ceaseless flow.

When I think upon and converse with thee
ten thousand delightful thoughts spring up,
ten thousand sources of pleasure are unsealed,
ten thousand refreshing joys spread over my heart,
crowding into every moment of happiness. 

I bless thee for the soul thou hast created, 
for adorning it, sanctifying it, 
 though it is fixed in barren soil;
for the body thou hast given me,
for preserving its strength and vigour,
for providing senses to enjoy delights,
for the ease and freedom of my limbs,
for hands, eyes, ears that do thy bidding;
for they royal bounty providing my daily support,
for a full table and overflowing cup,
for apetite, taste, sweetness,
for the social joys of relatives and friends,
for the ability to serve others,
for a heart that feels sorrows and necessities,
for a mind to care for my fellow-men,
for the opportunities of spreading happiness around,
for loved ones in the joys of heaven,
for my own expectation of seeing these things clearly.

I love thee above the powers of language to express,
for thou art to thy creatures.

Increase my love, O my God, through time and eternity.

Revisiting the story with new eyes was so encouraging and convicting for me. The pilgrims followed God's call on their lives with joy, thanksgiving and devotion that is inspiring. They wrote this and many beautiful prayers of thanks and love even after all that they endured: they maintained a spirit of thankfulness in all things. Through their hardship and struggle I wonder if they ever could have imagined that God was using them to found a nation that would one day be as strong as the United States is today. I definitely wonder if they would be proud of where our nation is now or fearful for us, but that is another blogpost altogether. 

I am so thankful for each of the blessings God has and continues to pour out upon me, but especially for the people He has put in my life and on my heart: for friends whose love I can feel from miles away and for family who I love so much that it hurts to be so far separated. 


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